What to do if you have a hard time choosing the EXACT problem you solve in your business

Do you ever have a hard time narrowing down what it is that you do — the EXACT problem that you solve?
I do too.
So, I’ve been doing a lot of research on the subject. One of my problems is I’ve been a course junkie, learning everything there is about digital marketing. So, I have just about every Digital Marketer Certification, there’s certain things that I’m better at than others, and enjoy doing more than others. For example, I could be a sales funnel consultant. I could be a copy editor. I could totally help people with their content. I’ve designed courses…
It’s so hard to narrow it down to, what is the ONE SPECIFIC THING that I’m going to help people do?

I’ve been doing a little research on the subject. I just read Seth Godin’s new book, This is Marketing [And, it’s phenomenal! You have to check it out.]
Anyway, he talks about choosing the “minimum viable market” — or choosing the ONE specific sector in the market, the SMALLEST that you could possible think to go after.
And focusing on them…
Being the “go-to” person in your industry for them.

So, instead of me being the “go-to,” all-things, jack-of-all-trades Marketing Strategist for Coaches, I might consider finding a very specific niche.
- For example, Electronic Film Score Composers {This was an industry I tried to get into before I left music and academia… I scored a film and helped some of those people with some of their business projects, and their demos, and their content, etc.}
- Instead of just focusing on “coaches,” I could narrow it down to:
“I want to help 6- and 7-figure business coaches that are going to scale to the next level — they need to fix inefficiencies and maximize what they already have.”

Don’t be afraid to add some qualities and attributes that describe the person that you want to work with.
For example, I love the tagline for the book, This is Marketing. Seth Godin says, “This is meaningful work for people who care.” That is such a small statement, but it describes EVERYTHING:
Yes, I want to do meaningful and fulfilling work in this world,
and I only want to do it for people who care.
(not for people who are just doing this for dollar-signs.)

So, check out This is Marketing by Seth Godin. You will not be disappointed. It will completely re-frame how you view marketing — especially if you’ve been trying to market to the masses.
And, if you’ve been having a very hard time narrowing down, slicing and dicing what it is that you do — what is the ONE specific problem that you want to focus on in your business… See if you can do it in a different way.

Instead of ‘slicing and dicing what you do, maybe you’re going to be the “go-to” life coach (for example) for a VERY specific, sliced-and-diced sector or a market, niched as far as you can go, adding in some of those qualities and attributes that describe your core values — to find the people that you want to work with that will be in alignment with you. {and see if that approach works better.}